Now is the Time to Digitize Container Shipping
Danny Gill
We’re living through an era of connectivity never thought possible. Through the touch of a button an order can be placed which triggers a flurry of action on the backend for order fulfillment. In just a few days, or even a few hours, a packaged ordered can be delivered right to your doorstep. Robotic automation already dominates many parts of the manufacturing industry, and we’re on the verge of accepting autonomous driving trucks on the roads as well as flying drones for deliveries. Yet through all this, the container shipping industry lags far behind with much of the bookings and work still being done through the phone, fax and on paper.
For a deeper insight into what digitizing container shipping could mean for the industry, we had the pleasure of speaking with Ms. Inna Kuznetsova, President & COO at INTTRA. Her extremely knowledgeable insight into all parts of the industry and her strong IT background has made her a firm believer in the untapped power still waiting to be unleashed for the container shipping industry.